
Coach. Create. Lead.


We can help you create interactive, multi-sensory worship for your online and in-person events.


We can help you:

  • Think through worship ideas for your context.
  • Work through a worship design idea.
  • Talk with you about how to move your community beyond singing.
  • Design with you prayer stations/practices that will work for your community. 
  • Help you learn to make worship interactive online.


We help you create worship experiences for your context:

  • Sacred Space kits designed around your church, camp or conference theme. 
  • A Sacred Home box: a specially curated box of worship resources designed around your theme. Example: a justice box, a Thanksgiving box, an Advent box. Perfect for families, small groups, and organizations.


We can lead an interactive worship experience for your on-line conference or church service.

Set up an appointment to talk to Lilly, sign up for a free 30-minute call: